Chinese Chicken Ramen Salad

Slice the green onions.

Place the sesame seeds in a dry skillet (no oil) over medium heat. Cook, shaking the pan and stirring often until the seeds are fragrant and golden brown, about 3 minutes. Remove immediately from the heat and transfer to a plate to stop the cooking.

Crumble uncooked ramen into small pieces and place on a baking sheet along with the sliced almonds. Bake in the preheated oven until golden, tossing once halfway through baking, about 6 - 8 minutes total. Set aside to cool.

In a mixing bowl whisk together all of the dressing ingredients until well blended.

To two large dinner bowls, add the coleslaw mix, green onions, cooked chicken, toasted ramen with almonds and toasted sesame seeds, dived evenly. Drizzle dressing over tops and toss to evenly coat. Serve immediately for the best results.

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